Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Radio - The Legendary Don Imus

Writing for the Media Zone has its perks.  Part of the job is thinking. Thinking about those things that are both entertaining and and interesting.  A case is

My fascination with radio began over 50 years ago and is just as strong today.  It spans a wide range of formats, music and personalities.  That's right the personalities. From locals to those of national stature. In the next few weeks I plan on taking a look at both groups with an initial peek at Don Imus.

He is a legend in radio.  Starting in Sacramento, moving to Cleveland, to New York...back to Cleveland and once again landing in the Big Apple.  He has climbed the ladder to the number one market, and thanks to booze and drugs, taken a well documented slide, only to return a bit more humble and self-aware.

In the spirit of full candor, I met Don Imus many years ago.  It was during a Billboard Radio Conference in Atlanta.  He was already the talk of the industry and I was a small time program director for an equally small group of stations in the two Carolinas.  I served on a panel discussion and afterwards we were in the "speakers" room when I turned around and there was the I-Man.  We were standing less the 3 feet apart. I was feeling pretty good about my contributions during the panel discussion and hoped he had possibly seen some of it.  He looked right in my eyes and I will never forget what the legendary Don Imus said to me "Can you get me a beer?"  LOL

 That was then, and this is now.  From then to now I have admired Imus. I did then and I do now.  

Here is a two part profile by ABC News on Imus that shows the level of change from Rock Jock to Shock Jock to Politico Jock. Followed by a vintage I-Man doing a VH1 segment AND not caring.

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